Build Week

Want to get started on your build, but you don’t know where to start? Want hands-on experience before you begin your build? Want to anticipate questions–and get them answered? Then come to a DIY Tiny Build Week!

Registration prices include plenty of hands-on building experience, answered questions, and your room and board with us at DIY Tiny. All attendees must agree to be present and working for 3 hours minimum a day. Registration is limited to ONLY 4 participants for each Build Week.

Why spend time sitting in a classroom at a workshop when you could spend time actually working on a Tiny House? Spend 5 days with us at DIY Tiny and get some Tiny House building experience under your tool-belt. As you work during the day, Tiny House builder and owner Drew Crawford will be present to answer questions and get you started on the right path.

Upcoming Build Weeks:

  • May 9-13
  • May 28-June 1
  • June 21-25*
  • June 27-July 1*
  • July 12-16
  • Aug 22-26
  • Aug 29-Sept 2
  • Sept 5-9
  • Sept 12-16
  • Sept 26-30

*June’s Build Weeks will feature TWO different Tiny House Builds!

Build Week cost $390 for the week, and includes:

  • plenty of hands-on experience working on Tiny Houses
  • answered questions to your build questions
  • dreaming and planning your build
  • room and board at DIY Tiny
    • Consists of 5 nights, plus breakfast and lunch meals

Fill in your Build Week Application Now!

Please fill in all related fields. We will review your application and be in touch with you shortly!

Your First & Last Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Telephone Number (required)

Preferred Contact Method
EmailPhone Call

Are You a Student?

Your Tiny House Experience:
(briefly describe your interest in Tiny Houses, what prior experience/knowledge you have with them, and why you’d like to Intern with DIY Tiny)

Which Build Week are you interested in attending?
(please use MM/DD/YY format)

Don't Forget...

You also must acknowledge that by coming to Build Week, you are entering a Construction Zone and are responsible for your own injuries. Please click on the button to fill in the form:

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Just enter your contact information and sign up to our emails and get your free download.

Connect with DIY Tiny


The new neighbors are very productive. Thanks Brett for the amazing paint job! #diytiny

from Instagram:



Contact Us

  • 22 Burleson Rd, Asheville, NC 28805
  • 704-650-0130


All thoughts and opinions belong to DIY Tiny and may not be legal, correct, or accurate for your Tiny House circumstances.
Copyright 2018 DIY TINY